Stand in the Place Where You Live


starring Christopher Cramer & James Killough

We’ve already run Baker’s review of Midnight in Paris, but Chris is a huge Woody Allen fan, and felt he needed to be fully self-expressed about it on tape.  There are moments in the review when his hair becomes like the Statue of Liberty’s torch, such is his passion for the old pedo.

(Note: the reason Chris is always eating in these reviews is he tapes them on his lunch break, and eating fruit allows him to drink beer and not look like Rachel McAdams.)

Chris rates this:

James rates this:


Filed under Cramer vs Killough, Reviews

4 responses to “Stand in the Place Where You Live

  1. Oh, Chris, you have been looking at emaciated movie actresses for too long. Rachel McAdams’ back side is as much a work of art as the pieces discussed in the film.

    Good job, guys. For the record, I’m teetering on the Meh/Nice line, leaning toward nice. The exposition in the beginning was a little clunky, and I didn’t buy the parents as characters. Corey Stall was a standout as Hemmingway, if i didn’t mention so in my review. I’m with you, JK, on Annie Hall being slightly overrated, if I read between the lines correctly, though I do find Allen’s earlier films pretty hysterical.

  2. Thanks, Eric. Chris is still feeling a bit shy about commenting, so that thanks is on his behalf as well. Indeed, most of my friends and family seem to prefer to comment privately in emails or phone calls.

    Despite my laugh, I didn’t agree with his assessment about McAdams’ porkitude. For the sake of time, we have to chop the interviews up, otherwise he and I can go on for hours, which is a good thing for future content.

    I feel I should explain that the reason Chris is always eating is because he’s on his lunch break when we tape. And apples is a good way to keep your figure, although not as sound friendly as bananas.

    I believe you did mention Stoll in your review. I liked him so much I ran to Lord Google, threw myself at his feet and asked, “Corey Stoll gay.” The results weren’t as promising as say “Will Smith gay” or “Robert Downey gay,” but let’s wait for stardom. Otherwise, there’s always Tom Hardy, who has a bit of the Corey Stoll thing going on, even though the steroid thing is half past gross already.

  3. Well done again, guys! I’ll try to get to see this one. It’s odd that, as someone involved in the Industry who lives a few blocks away from The Best Cinema in the World, I only make it to one or two films a year.

    Killough, I completely agree with you about being distracted by the idea of the hotel bill adding up as they flitted around Paris. I had the same problem with those books about that little girl who lived at The Plaza. Who does that? Much improved wardrobe choices this time! Looking younger every day.

    Chris, I personally think that Rachel McAdams looks like a normal person in the clips I saw. I’ll absolutely give you that she doesn’t look like a normal Hollywood leading actress, though. Love the shirt and braces, very current. Did something happen to your eye, though? I hope you’re okay!

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