Category Archives: Kimball vs Killough

The Formula’s Formula


starring Tyler Kimball & James Killough

It’s that time of year: the Oscar contenders have all run their race, so the dregs are brought out and slapped on screen.  In a perverse twist of fate—perverse only because studios will now feel justified to make more crap—those dregs are turning out to be frothy pints of perfectly pulled Guinnesses in terms of what they’re doing at the box office.

Kimball selected the lesser of all evils in cinemas right now, Daniel Espinosa’s Safe House.  Despite the fact they went to see it together, he and Killough managed not to discuss it at all up until taping this review:

Kimball rates Safe House:

Killough rates it:

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Filed under Kimball vs Killough, Reviews & Interviews

Extremely Articulate & Incredibly Precocious


starring Tyler Kimball and James Killough

It’s official: Kimball has become PFC’s very own Tintin, the earnest, passionate young blonde who wishes everyone well, and who wouldn’t sound amiss exclaiming “Gosh, darn it!” whereas Killough is Captain Haddock, the salty old foulmouthed alcoholic curmudgeon.

In the shredder today is Stephen Daldry’s Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.  Killough suspects Kimball’s manager has been telling him to love absolutely everything and not piss anyone  in Hollywood off, but we’ll see what happens after they’re done with awards season and the crap starts flowing out of the studios once again.


Kimball rates EL&IC

Killough rates it: 


Filed under Kimball vs Killough, Reviews, Reviews & Interviews

The Director with the Golden Career


starring Tyler Kimball and James Killough

Kimball finally gets a word or two in edgewise in this review of David Fincher’s The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. As usual, Killough knocks around a few movie stars (*cough* Jodie Foster *cough*), and is pleased Daniel Craig seems to be laying off the juice.

Note: There won’t be a roundup this week owing to the holiday season clusterfuck.  We’re back on Monday with Eric Baker.  Happy New Year.

Kimball rates Dragon Tattoo:  

Killough rates it:


Filed under Kimball vs Killough, Reviews & Interviews