Tag Archives: John Varvatos

Stars Are Blind


by James Tuttle

Gentle reader,

For weeks people were asking me what I thought about this new Fashion Star show on NBC and, since it wasn’t on yet, I only had the billboards to go by.  Unfortunately, they are probably the worst outdoor advertisements to pop up around Los Angeles since those signs for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close that made me think it was a movie about a kid with too many fingers.

Fredric Johansson shows us how to do stars. (Ph: Mauritzio Montani)

Elle Macpherson looks like a botoxed blonde frog, Jessica Simpson is trying to freeze our brains with her intense stare and designer John Varvatos reminds me of the little guy in The Princess Bride who keeps shouting, “Inconceivable!”  And the fact that it’s so photoshopped that it’s basically a fucking painting makes the whole thing even more stupid because they could have easily painted a more descriptive and attractive ad for this show than some frozen white famous people floating in a peaceful cloud.

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Filed under Tuttle Mode

The Write Model


by James Tuttle

Gentle reader,

RuPaul and Design Star took a back seat this week because we have a very special treat for you here at Tuttle Mode.  It’s our first ever book review!

Now, wipe that stupid look off your face.  Books can be fun, especially when they’re about two of your favorite things—sex and fashion!  Just ask Jackie Collins or my longtime friend, bestselling London author Lulu Taylor.  We are introducing a new novel called Walking Marina written by a male model about the modeling business and that, as far as I know, hasn’t really happened before.

Author D. R. Hildebrand. All this and he's smart, too!

The story follows an aimless teen catapulted from a Mid-western steel mill into New York’s fiercely competitive modeling world.  When his novelty begins to fade, he gets pulled into the seamy underside of the business, testing his morality and, ultimately, his humanity.

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Filed under Reviews, Tuttle Mode